11 Annoying Facebook Posts That Need to Stop Right Now
Annoying Facebook Posts That Need to Stop Right Now
1. FISHING - "I am so done", "Grrrr, this is so irritating", "I can't believe it".
Use your words like a big kid and tell us what's going on. Stop fishing to see if anyone will bite on your vague post.
2. "R.I.P., SO SAD" - This one is my personal number one irritator. Ok. If you're on my friends list and you know someone who just died, then I PROBABLY KNOW THEM TOO. Who the %$#@ just died?!
3. ONE POST, 20 SELFIES - Your face at slightly angles is not as interesting as you think. Sticking your tounge out in 10/20 of the photos doesn't amuse us near as much as you want it to. This just makes you look like a weird narcissist.
4. LIFE COMMENTARY - "Going to the gym", "Getting in the shower", "Headed to the library", "Grading papers", "Feeding the fish", "Movie date." Oh. My. Gosh. Who. Cares.
5. THE PUBLIC PRIVATE MESSAGE - "I loaned my roommate $200 last year and he still hasn't paid me back. Give me my money, Gary or I'm kicking you out! You're lazy and you stink!"
Aaaand we wish you would handle your business in private.
6. AIRBRUSHED TO HECK - I personally don't think there's anything wrong with "correcting"
selfies because it's not uncommon to look more "blemishy" in certain lighting and settings, but airbrushing your face until your eyebrows and nose aren't even visible anymore is just plain sad. That's not a good look for anyone and it makes your look super silly and insecure.
7. SHOCKERS - "Wrecked my car", "The cops are here", "At the ER with mom"
Oh, good grief. Are you fishing to see who cares enough to ask for more info or are you too shaken up to give details? If it's the latter, perhaps you need to get off your phone and handle your situation before worrying about posting it on Facebook.
8. SHARING HOAXES - "Bill Gates will donate $1,000 to a child dying from cancer if you like and share this post."
No. No he won't. It's 2017 and we're still doing this? :Sigh:
9. TRUMP RANTS - Daily.... hourly... uuuugggghhhh!!! We get it! He's got some issues. Give us a break from it for just a minute, ok? Whenever you feel the urge to Trump-rant, just post a photo a cute baby elephant instead.
10. SPORTS COMMENTARY - Whether you're a sports fan or not, we don't need a play-by-play rundown of what's happening in your somethingball game. If a person is into that sport, then they're probably watching the game too. They can see what's happening. I promise.
11. GRODY PICS - "I love seeing the inside of your dog's oozing infected ear while I'm trying to eat my lunch," said no one ever. For the love of all things holy, if you want people to see that grossness, then send it in a private message to the people you know will appreciate that kind of stuff.
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